You drafted your New Year resolutions and were committed to start upskilling or developing new skills ASAP. You were bombarded by so many ads for free and paid courses, micro-credentials and webinars that you are feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start.
Unfortunately, you have to do to what you don't feel like doing in order to do what you enjoy doing. Here are six simplified steps that I collected from various books and blogs to help you commit to your resolution to upskill or enhance your capabilities:
Try them out and let me know how you are doing. I am Hoda Kilani, Career and Academic Coach. I work with students, parents, teachers and community partners sharing the latest strategies to innovatively craft your career journey your way. Follow me for more career insights.
It's easy to think that 2024 flew by and you did not achieve significant milestones. You will only see limited progress if you don't take time to reflect. ReflectAs the year comes to a close, I reflect on my efforts over the past year, sorting out the failures - how bad was it - and accomplishments - meh or exceptional. I love to visualize how my year went. I invite you to do the same. How about visualizing this year's accomplishments? Reflect and VisualizeSome of my young clients list and detail their year using Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel. Others create YouTube videos or Reels. Vision board lovers use Canva or other similar platforms. Together we assess these visuals. Their accomplishments become evident almost immediately. The visuals inspire them and prepare them to tackle the aspirations of the new year with confidence! How about committing to increasing your reflection in the New Year? Seek Resources An option to highlight. Follow Right Career Fit on LinkedIn to start and persist in reflecting in 2025. Here is a sample of a post that will help you reflect: LET’S CUT THROUGH THE ILLUSIONS! Have you started reflecting on the past months yet? NO 👎 WHO HAS THE TIME? I know very few adults who regularly reflect on their routine and those who do, agree that it gives them a sense of control and contentment. It’s a habit that I support my young clients to build. One of the main purposes of this reflection is to help you get to know YOU. It’s simple. Once you know who you are, it will be easier to distinguish your next step. When asked to reflect on their routine, my young clients often jump to respond with a famous quote by Sun Tzu, “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity”. Yes, I agree ☝️ and the Chaos Theory of Careers emphasizes the challenges and opportunities of uncertainty. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t need to reflect. In fact, reflecting will help you be ready to effortlessly and effectively respond to unplanned situations. I really recommend that you reflect and encourage the young people in your life to build this habit. How often do you reflect? If you have any questions or need help getting started, let’s chat! Rise, Reflect and ShineIt’s so easy to say “rise and shine”, yet I know that for many of us life throws unexpected moments that this is easier said than done. How to handle an inability to rise? 🌹 Have a water bottle by your bed and start drinking water as soon as you open your eyes 👀 yes, before reaching for your phone 🤓 🌹 Think about the good times 😊 the ones that happened yesterday or those from a month ago 🌹 Count three things that you are thankful for 🥲 it can be the clean water you just drank💧 the fact that you have a window in your room 🪟 or having someone who cares 😎 Try them and share what works for you 💪 Taking a deep breath after you take the time to rise will help you appreciate what you have and ease you into reflecting on your year and every day beyond. Dive Deeper into Reflection What are your thoughts on reflection? Before you start pondering your New Year resolutions, which by the way research shows that most fizzle out before February ends, I encourage you to consider the high and low points of the past twelve months. I promise you that you will enjoy the process. Crucially, exploring these months will put you in a better position to draft your New Year commitments. Wishing you health, happiness and continued success, Hoda Imagine a world...
You are on the right pathway to what's next. You know who you are, what interests you and have found a connection to these interests. You are aware of what engages you to want to make a difference. And you are clear about what you want to talk about. I can help you get there. I am Hoda Kilani, Career and Academic Coach. I work with students, parents, teachers and community partners sharing the latest strategies to help you get there. Check out my Eventbrite page for the workshop that will help you get started or book an appointment to learn more. My passion to increase career literacy among young people drives to me attend and present in conferences to stay updated on the latest research and activity in the education system. I use this knowledge to supplement my services with what the education system drops and to enhance coachee experience. Reading recent research on the predicament of youth today, it is clear that youth between the ages of 18 and 34 change jobs 12 times on average. What to do and how to best help them? As always, my answer is Career Literacy. Does Career Literacy include Teaching AIThe artificial creativity of AI (artificial intelligence) will never match the innovative creativity of humans but we need to teach students the skills to be creative. While not a direct quote, this is one of the messages I heard at the Creativity in Education Summit in Paris. Seems that CREATIVITY is one of the new buzzwords to deal with AI concerns about jobs of the future. In my private practice, I continue to prioritize individualized narrative and dialogical coaching. I guide youth to value what I call HARWIRED ADAPTABILITY. Roy C. Vella details it as, “learn, relearn and unlearn”. Does this skill fall under the creativity in education blanket? Yes. When you are adaptable, you are using your creative skills to embrace change and come up with innovative solutions. What about AI? No, I don’t need to worry about my clients’ knowledge and use of AI innovations, they are usually way ahead of me. I learn from them. I do worry though... Will they know to use AI responsibly? Will they distinguish between what is virtual and what is real? Will they use AI productively? The skills needed to answer these questions with a yes go beyond AI navigation. Competing in the New World of WorkInspired by the book Competing in the New World of Work (a book I recommend to all my fellow book nerds), Radical Adaptability and Foresight Competency are the apparent necessary skills for my young clients. I want them to learn how to “see what is visible but not yet seen”. I met Chris Mackey at a conference this past August and we started talking about skills of the future. He agrees. Chris is the co-founder of Skillsline, a company that helps people make the most of school, work and life opportunities. Skillsline is successfully partnered with schools, training providers and other employers in the U.S. helping students and employees improve these skills. Nudging my clients to develop soft skills or “human skills” as Chris and his team like to call them is crucial upskilling for AI age. These skills include communication and teamwork but more importantly for my practice is they do also include self-knowledge skills. Skills that will help clients increase their adaptability, foresight and creativity. Check out our workshop to learn more. Unplanned ObsolescenceRecently, Chris shared the following article, Unplanned Obsolescence by Brent Orrell a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), specializing in job training and workforce development. In his article, Orrell talks about the need to develop skills and knowledge that are not affected by latest trends. The following quote confirmed what Chris and I had been dicussing: “Chief among these (necessary) skills is something called noncognitive or “soft skills” which employers already see as the biggest deficit in the American workforce. These types of skills—things like communication, team work, and interpersonal perception and response—are vital in two respects: They help workers execute specific tasks within jobs and are foundational to learning and adaptation as new technologies emerge” Guerrilla Style TacticsGoing back to the conference and what is currently being taught in the education system. Can we bundle all of the above under the umbrella of a career literacy curriculum? For now, an upheaval of the education system seems unpractical and incorporating career literacy as a core curriculum topic has been an uphill battle. However, I am content to see the embrace of embedding career literacy within the curriculum precisely as Dr Kris Magnusson recommends, “guerrilla style tactics, avoiding head-on collision with the curriculum”. It IS HappeningHaving interviewed over 100 career people, I know that embedding career literacy in the curriculum works. It’s clear to me that career literacy among young people is increasing in programs initiated by hidden gems. I am excited to see it happening at Curtin University Australia under the leadership of Dr Alan McAlpine, the work being done by Educators Cooperative under the leadership of Ed Hidalgo and Dr Steve Regur and at Bostania Global led by Nerel Winter. It also works in my practice as I see it every day in the confident faces of my young clients. Imagine a world...
You are on the right pathway to what's next. You know who you are, what interests you and have found a connection to these interests. You are aware of what engages you to want to make a difference. And you are clear about what you want to talk about. I can help you get there. I am Hoda Kilani, Career and Academic Coach. I work with students, parents, teachers and community partners sharing the latest strategies to help you get there. Check out my Eventbrite page for the workshop that will help you get started or book an appointment to learn more. |
HodaI am Hoda Kilani, Career and Academic Coach. I work with students, parents, teachers and community partners using the latest strategies to nudge you to innovatively craft your career journey your way. ContactInvest 1 hour in your success. Book a free consultation to learn how Hoda helps you succeed.
January 2025
Dr. Hoda Kilani
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