Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. Albert Einstein The pandemic of 2019 quickly changed your life in 2020. Who knew?
We are now in 2024. The pandemic seems to be over. The pandemic effects of social distancing and wearing a mask continue to be unmistakably visible everywhere you go and in every released research. However, the pandemic is officially over and you find yourself looking for the next step at a time when the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0 or 4IR is moving full speed ahead clearly visible today in moments such as increased human-machine interaction and out of this world smart systems. What can you do? Regardless of where you are at today, whether exploring further studies or seeking employment, all you can do is follow the words of the famous Einstein...You just have to “keep moving”. Keep in mind that without cognitive equilibrium you cannot pursue cognitive exploration. What do these two terms mean? And how are they related to uncovering your what’s next? Cognitive EquilibriumWhatever your transitional situation, your first focus should be on your mental health. It is important to be in what experts call cognitive equilibrium, a place where your mental situation is in balance with what is happening around you. This mental state is crucial because you cannot go openly exploring options without it. How are you doing? Believe it or not, many of my young clients struggle with the post pandemic effect despite or perhaps because of the resumption to face to face interactions. You are not alone. Reach out if you need someone to talk to. These are tough times and there is no shame in sharing your situation. Above all, you must strive to be in cognitive equilibrium in order remain positive. Moving forward with a positive mindset and to the best of your ability is the most common and paramount advice. The Village Effect My additional advice is, try not to move forward alone. Surround yourself with a community of supporters. Experts agree that the village effect is so valuable for your happiness and for your ability to take on new initiatives aka move forward. Who does your village of supporters include? If you are not sure how to stay motivated, or are not ready to reach out to your network, read my blog, “Stressed? Go on! Start with the first big inhale”. Readers tell me the breathing exercises help. Another suggestion to help you look positively on the world of work is to read the blog of Career Consultant, Ann Nakaska on social media. She simplifies careers of the future and makes you see that the future of careers is friendly. Here is a conversation I had with her to get you started. As long as you are moving, no matter how slow, you will start to feel better. Taking on new opportunities will make it more difficult to fall into the “I am feeling stuck” mode. As long as you are moving forward, then you are headed in a direction and you are not stuck. Think of this movement as staying productively busy! Cognitive ExplorationRemember that cognitive equilibrium will facilitate cognitive exploration The positive mental state of being constructively engaged in your what’s next is the first step. You are now connected and can begin your cognitive exploration. Cognitive exploration has a broader meaning and for the purpose of this discussion, think of it as choosing new experiences while actively and curiously processing their value to you in order to unravel the next best step for you. Cognitive exploration constructively involves you in your life which is very valuable as you seek your next right step. Cognitive exploration is most productive when inquiry questions are engaged. Start by learning more about YOU. Here are some sample questions to keep you creatively occupied in your forward movement if for example your next step involves finding a job.
These questions are meant to increase your personal awareness on how or where you could potentially be headed. They can be adjusted to your own situation. A Central Question One question that I ask all my clients at some point during our coaching sessions is, what does success look like to you? Can you think of questions that are relevant to your particular situation? Write them down and explore the answers. Writing down or typing your responses is part of the process of cognitive exploration. It clarifies the next step you are seeking and launches you on your cognitive exploration adventure. Going back to the finding a job example, your responses will lead you to customize your resume and produce creative cover letters that describe the role you want. They provide the key to your interview preparation. More importantly, they build self-awareness skills so that you can forge ahead confidently knowing what you are pursuing. The Time Is NowNOW is the time to advance and catch up with 4IR. Do not wait too long! Your time is very precious. Your next opportunity awaits. All you have to do is reach out and grab it promptly with a cognitively balanced mindset. I am Hoda Kilani, Career and Academic Coach. I work with students, parents, teachers and community partners sharing the latest strategies to innovatively nudge you on your career pathway.
HodaI am Hoda Kilani, Career and Academic Coach. I work with students, parents, teachers and community partners using the latest strategies to nudge you to innovatively craft your career journey your way. ContactInvest 1 hour in your success. Book a free consultation to learn how Hoda helps you succeed.
December 2024
Dr. Hoda Kilani
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